Christmas 2020. There are many things we will never forget about this year, but hopefully what we will remember most are the places where hope has shone through in the midst of overwhelming challenges. In the way our church has come together in new ways. In the extra time with our families. In the 45 homeless men and women who are sharing our worship space as an overnight shelter for the winter months. In all those who supported our brothers and sisters in Kenya when it was needed most.

This year, our Boxes of Love program was more crucial than ever. Covid-19 has left no area untouched. Families that were already stretched and struggling are now desperate. With schools shuttered since April, many of our Allamano students have had to go without the nutritious meals provided at school each day. For many of them, it was their only meal of the day.

Thanks to the generosity of more than 80 donors, over 400 families of Allamano students and Holy Family Center patients will receive food and supplies to carry them through the holiday season. Your support of this ministry provides each family with enough cooking fat, wheat flour, corn flour, rice, and beans to feed a family of four for six weeks. It also supplies school bags, clean water, toothbrushes, soap, shoes, warm coats, and blankets.

Thanks to all those who gave to this vital ministry. This year more than ever, it means more than you know. Merry Christmas!

Rebecca Topping