Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Friend!
I hope that you are feeling the peace and promise of the incredible gift of God’s only Son. I am filled with thankfulness for so many blessings, one of which is your support of Tree of Lives, through the purchase of a Box of Love. Thanks to you, 200 HIV+ children from Holy Family Center and 67 Allamano school children received these life-sustaining boxes. Each box contains cooking fat, wheat flour, corn flour, rice, and beans - enough to feed each child’s entire family for a month! Other items included in every box are school bags, clean water, toothbrushes, soap, shoes, warm coats, and blankets. Enjoy this video of celebration from our Allamano students and teachers. On behalf of the beautiful people of Kenya and our Tree of Lives board, thank you for your heartfelt partnership.
May your Christmas day continue to be filled with the love and joy that can only come through our Savior, Jesus Christ.
In Him, Jim