Gideon (pictured here addressing the group) was one of Tree of Lives’ very first scholars. The scholar program enables students of the Allamano School - a remedial school for the children of tea pickers that goes through 3rd grade - to continue on to higher levels of education. As of 2020, there are 80 scholars who have left Allamano and are now continuing their education in quality schools elsewhere. Tree of Lives supported Gideon from 4th grade through high school and now through trade school. He graduates in mid-December from a building and construction certificate program and should have no trouble getting a great job with this degree.
Gideon came back to the Allamano School this past week to meet with the parents of current scholars. He shared his story of success and conveyed to the parents how important their support was towards their children's future. Our goal is to keep up with each child from Allamano and ensure that these children are given all the tools they need to succeed.